In this weeks video you will learn 3 Tips For How To Embody Feminine Power.

—> [VIDEO] 3 Tips For How To Embody Feminine Power 

And here’s a secret…

One of the tips is pretty racy! Now, in this video I give you a bunch of context prior to the tips which start at 6:20…so skip ahead to the tips of you want.  I won’t tell anyone…

What is power and what is embodiment for that matter?

Well,  it isn’t about belief or thinking about power,  it’s about feeling it from the inside out. 

It’s about loving every square inch of your body from the inside out.  It’s about getting plugged back into your power source and it’s about learning how to be powerfully feminine again.

When we do this, we feel confident; when we feel confident, we shine! And when we shine, we attract pretty much whatever we want into us, our work and our relationships.

Why is this important?

It’s time for us women to love and adore our bodies and our lady parts again! And as I say at the end of all of my videos, “when you have the courage to go out there and shine, you give others permission to do the same… So let’s go out there and shine this week!”

Check out this weeks video where I’ll show you 3 Tips For How To Embody Feminine Power