The Leaning Tower of Pisa, wasn’t supposed to be leaning, but if it were straight it probably wouldn’t be such a popular tourist attraction.

I’m a recovering perfectionist, which is probably why I know a thing or two about this topic.

I mean, I love producing beautiful videos, creating awesome programs, leading my international sisterhood and, frankly, doing things really well. …and I’m critical of what I produce at every step single step of the process.

Whether it’s a new video, or a new program, a livestream or a blog post.

Here’s the deal

I let go, publish, and move forward.

Now, I’ve been fascinated by excellence my whole life.

As It Turns Out

Studies have shown that perfectionism is closely related to shame. it’s like we’re trying to hide something behind being perfect.

“Where there is perfectionism, there is always shame” says Brene Brown.

And perfectionism isn’t the same as healthy striving or a desire for excellence.