I disappeared for a while as I decided to move out of my apartment due to toxic EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) effects on my health. (Cellphone tower only 60ft from my apartment…)

So, I’m now travelling around the Southwest of the USA and spending time with clients and friends.  It’s funny because it is really making me run my business in a super fluid, feminine way, not having a routine or normal structure to rest on in my home/office.

And I’m having such a blast with the women that I’m staying with.  Such sweetness, feminine hospitality and fun we are having!

It has certainly given me pause to look back on 2015 and view it from a different vantage point.

What do you see when you look back at your 2015?

Have you got the level of success that you planned for?

Did you plan at all, really?

What do you need to improve on?

Are you living on purpose?

What is the single biggest challenge you are having in your business that you’d like solved right now?

Well, here I am sitting in Austin, TX at Zhi Tea which I started with it’s Co-Founder in 2007 feeling so much gratitude for my clients, my friends, my new business associates and emerging JV partnerships.

2015 has been a whirlwind year of starting up a new phase of my business, Feminine Success, landing in the Bay Area and starting two new programs.

I did close to 50 talks this year to over 1800 women and I’ve been working with some of the worlds top coaches and mentors and engaging the best clients of my life, who I totally love and adore working with.

In short I’m creating my dream life and dream business.

Yes, I could focus on the problems, the strains, the difficulties I’ve had,  the “it never rains, but it pours” sporadic nature of a new business.  I could focus on the times of fear that crept in, the uncertainty, the mistakes that I’ve made….and there were plenty!

But I choose to focus on gratitude, love, joy and potential.   The great things simply outweigh the negatives.  It has certainly felt like a birthing process!
My new baby, Feminine Success llc, has been born.

She may be small, vulnerable and dependent still, but she is beautiful and I love her very much and what she can do to impact the world.  My vision for her, like a parents vision for their child is one of only the greatest and fullest possibility.

How can you make 2016 the best year ever?

To help you with that, I’d love to ask you this question?

What is the single biggest challenge you are having in your business that you’d like solved right now?

Respond below with your answer to this question.  I’d love to help you answer that.